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Interim report for Knowit AB

January - March 2024

Stable trend kicks off the year

  • Net sales decreased by 10.4 percent to SEK 1,766.3 (1,970.5) million
  • The EBITA profit was SEK 136.3 (197.2) million
  • The EBITA margin was 7.7 (10.0) percent
  • Results after tax were SEK 64.0 (104.1) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK 2.23 (3.64) 1)
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 101.6 (106.5) million

1) Before and after dilution.

Interim Report Knowit Q1 2024 (PDF)


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Financial calendar

Year-end report 2024

Interim report Q3 2024

Past events:

Interim report Q2 2024

AGM 2024

Interim report Q1 2024

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Annika Billberg

Investor Relations

Christina Johansson

Head of Communications