Board Work
During the financial year, January to December 2023, the Board convened 18 meetings at which the minutes were recorded: six ordinary meetings, one inaugural meeting, one for approval of the Annual Report and documents for the AGM, and ten extraordinary Board meetings.
Board meetings during the year
An important theme during the year was the Company’s profitability and management of a weakening market. Other matters discussed by the Board included valuations, strategic direction, and financing.
Evaluation of the Board's work
The Chairman of the Board evaluates the Board’s work in connection with each ordinary meeting. Once a year, the Chairman of the Board initiates a more comprehensive supplementary and focused evaluation of the Board’s work, in conversations with the Board in full and individual conversations with each of the Directors.
The questions relate to internal climate, breadth of knowledge, and how Board work is carried out. The purpose is to find out how the Directors perceive that the Board is run and what actions can be taken to make the Board’s work more efficient. The results are presented to the Board and the nomination committee by the Chairman.
Read more about the Board of Directors
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Annika Billberg
Investor Relations

Christina Johansson
Head of Communications