Nomination Committee
The duties of the nomination committee are to propose, during the AGM, the Chairman of the AGM, the Board members to be elected by the AGM, the Chairman of the Board, Directors’ fees, auditors’ fees and the nomination committee’s procedure.
Composition of the Nomination Committee
In accordance with the instruction to the nomination committee, the nomination committee shall consist of one representative from each of Knowit’s three largest registered shareholders on September 30, if they wish to participate, and the Chairman of the Board, who shall convene the committee to its first meeting.
The nomination committee for the AGM 2025 consists of:
- Jonas Backman, appointed by Protector Forsikring ASA
- Niklas Flyborg, appointed by JCE Group AB
- Teresa Enander, appointed by Formica Capital AB
- Jon Risfelt, Chairman of the Board of Knowit AB
Teresa Enander has been named Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee represents just above 25% of the ownership in the Company.
Nomination Committee's tasks
The duties of the nomination committee are to propose, during the AGM, the Chairman of the AGM, the Board members to be elected by the AGM, the Chairman of the Board, Directors’ fees, auditors’ fees, and the nomination committee’s procedures.
No fee is paid to the members of the Nomination Committee. The Company shall recompense any reasonable costs that arise in connection with the Nomination Committee’s work.
Shareholders can submit proposals
Shareholders who want to make proposals to the nomination committee can do so by e-mail to
Do you want to know more?
Welcome to contact us!

Annika Billberg
Investor Relations

Christina Johansson
Head of Communications