Updated proposal from the Nomination Committee to the Knowit AB Annual General Meeting
The Nomination Committee of Knowit AB has, with account taken of the current economic climate, decided to modify its proposal to the 2020 AGM as regards the Board Members’ fees. The suggested incresed fees, as presented in the notice previously sent out, are retracted. The changed proposal has been announced to the Board Members, who support it.
“It is the Nomination Committee’s view that the increased fees formerly suggested are reasonable given the competence, workload, and responsibilities of the Board. However, given the current uncertain circumstances, we find it appropriate to postpone any proposed increases until next year’s AGM. We appreciate that the nominated Board Members, including Jon Risfelt who is nominated as new Chairman, support the new proposal for postponing increased fees,” says Lennart Francke, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, chosen for the Nomination Committee by Swedbank Robur Fonder.
Christina Johansson
Head of Communications