Extended framework agreement with the Norwegian Tax Administration
Knowit has gained renewed confidence and an extension of the assignment to deliver system development, design, architecture, and services in another ten areas to the Norwegian Tax Administration. The extension is for four years, through 2025.
In early July, it was decided that Knowit is given an extension of the assignment to deliver services in digital development to the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) for another four years. The authority announced which parties would be awarded a framework agreement for the coming four-year period.
“We are very pleased that we continue to receive the confidence to work with the tax authority. Our collaboration goes back several years and the agreement is important to us – not least because our employees enjoy working for the client, and with something so important to society,” says Snorre Finanger, who is the client manager at Knowit.
Under the new framework agreement, Knowit will – along with a number of subcontractors – be delivering services in 13 different areas.
“The Tax Administration is our largest client in Norway, with almost 100 of our consultants contributing with their competence and experience in assignments there. It is particularly gratifying that we have an interdisciplinary breadth in our delivery, which encompasses everything from system development and design to strategic advice and process automation. In many ways, our assignments mirror the entire range of Knowit’s offers.
The setup with multiple subcontractors is beneficial, according to Snorre Finanger. He continues:
“We have had positive experiences of working in larger constellations or alliances, if you prefer that term, for larger clients. The Tax Administration is one of them. The combination of multiple specialist competences, where people and competence are at the center, means the client can feel certain of getting support from the consultant or team that is best suited for providing it.”

Christina Johansson
Head of Communications