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Altered Nomination Committee and proposal for expanded Board in Knowit AB


Knowit's current Nomination Committee has been adjusted to reflect the current ownership in the Company.

Pursuant to the instruction to the Nomination Committee of Knowit AB, the Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the three largest shareholders that want to participate in its work, and also include the Chairman of the Board.

Knowit’s current Nomination Committee, which was constituted in October 2020 ahead of the AGM 2021, has been adjusted to reflect the current ownership in the Company. Nordea Funds and Handelsbanken Fonder, which had appointed members in the Nomination Committee, along with Swedbank Robur Fonder, have left the committee to accommodate new larger shareholders in the form of Formica Capital I AB and JCE Group AB.

The new Nomination Committee consists of: 

  • Olof Cato, appointed by Formica Capital I AB
  • Carl Backman, appointed by JCE Group AB
  • Lennart Francke, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder
  • Jon Risfelt, Chairman of the Board

Carl Backman has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee represents around 25% of the shareholdings in the Company.

The Nomination Committee has decided to suggest, at an extraordinary general meeting, an expansion of the Board with two new board members. The Nomination Committee suggests that Olof Cato, CEO of Formica Capital I AB, and Sofia Karlsson, Investment Director JCE Group AB, be elected as new board members. Notice of the extraordinary general meeting and more information on the suggested board members will be communicated by Knowit in August.

Shareholders who wish to make suggestions to the Nomination Committee can do so to


Christina Johansson

Head of Communications