A meaningful brand transformation
Nuuday is a family of eight brands providing most of Denmark with TV, broadband, network, and telecommunication services. They want to be at the forefront of providing technology services that matter to people and inspire our ways of working and decision-making, with the shared purpose of making sense of technology.

Nuuday is ‘Good Rebels United’
A homage to daring and risk-taking, but always with a grounded and sincere purpose to do good in the world. The philosophy is both a strategic and cultural direction, but even more so, a challenge was given to Nuuday themselves. The design must support this challenge – to be honest, and rebellious and bring people together to pursue a greater purpose.

The rising sun – every day is a nuu' day
A great concept can embrace and catalyse solutions and possibilities. To hit the right note, you need something intriguing. Bravery and Rebellion don't need aggression and chaos to thrive; on the contrary, it needs Comfort and Goodness. Our design concept takes great inspiration from the name: Nuuday – the new day. The feeling of waking up to an exciting and purposeful day.

A customizable dynamic solution of colours, typography and tags
A toolbox that inspires personal creation – in opposition to the generic rules and restraints that many corporate languages require. The design is created to develop, evolve and embrace the innovation of the united good rebels.

Do you want to know how we can assist you?
Give us a call or send a message, and I will get in touch with you.
Urban Nyblom
Business Director
Knowit Experience Stockholm