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We’re welcoming Ascend and Ionic to us at Knowit!

Today, we are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to around 60 new colleagues, as it has been announced that the management consultants at Ascend and its sister company Ionic are becoming part of Knowit. We look forward to meeting and starting to work with our new colleagues!

Just a few months after the merger with Marketing Clinic, we are strengthening our management offer even further. Primarily in commercial excellence, business technology, and cloud strategies. Our new colleagues from Ascend and Ionic are experts in combining strategies with operative executive power to promote profitable and sustainable business. Services that more and more of our clients are requesting. All the new colleagues will become part of our business area Knowit Insight. Thus, we advance our position in management consulting, primarily on the Swedish market.

“We are proud and pleased to welcome new colleagues from Ascend and Ionic to us at Knowit Insight. Ascend and the sister company Ionic both strengthen our brand and offer with their high competence and strong client relationships. Knowit’s management consultancy offer and market position are now stronger than ever and we are becoming an even more relevant partner to both existing and new clients, while also being a more attractive employer,” says Carin Strindmark, Head of Knowit Insight.

Ascend and Ionic bring broad experience and deep knowledge in primarily Business Technology and Commercial Excellence to us at Knowit, and we are certainly looking forward to an exciting journey together.

“We are seeing increased demand for management consultancy services closely associated with new technology. Our clients are increasingly asking for support that combines technical and operative knowledge, with an ability to assist at both a strategic and an operative level. We have a clear ambition to continue developing our companies and offering our clients even better support in their crucial transformations. Therefore, it feels like a natural step to become part of a larger context at Knowit. Ascend and Knowit complement each other well and have similar cultures, values, and visions of building a sustainable and humane society. We look forward to becoming part of Knowit, which is on an exciting growth journey,” says Jonas Nodler, partner and cofounder of Ascend and Ionic.


Christina Johansson

Head of Communications